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Any gas appliances in your home or in properties you own should be regularly checked and maintained to keep the people using them safe and comfortable.

When you hire an engineer to complete a gas safety check – which should be undertaken annually – they should provide you with official documentation of the work carried out at your property – this is a Gas Safety Certificate or Gas Safety Record. Whether you’re legally required to receive a record depends on whether you’re a homeowner or landlord, and what’s within the documentation depends on the type of work completed.


Different Gas Safety Checks

There are two types of gas safety checks that an engineer can carry out.

An Appliance Safety Check assesses:

  • The operating pressure and heat input of gas-powered appliances (such as a boiler, gas cooker or fire)
  • Whether the flue or chimney connected to any gas appliances is removing combustion gases correctly
  • If the appliance is suitable for the room, is properly installed and is burning gas correctly
  • There is an adequate, permanent air supply to ensure gas can burn cleanly and safely
  • Whether all safety devices – such as carbon monoxide alarms – are operating correctly

Meanwhile, a Gas Installation Safety Check includes all the above appliance checks as well as ensuring:

  • All accessible gas pipework is in good condition
  • The gas pipework isn’t leaking


Gas Safety Certificates


If you own the property you live in; there’s no legal requirement to have a Gas Safety Record. However, it’s highly recommended to have all gas appliances in your home serviced once a year. Once this is complete, you are within your rights to ask the engineer who carries out the work to present you with documentation detailing the extent of the service. The certificate can come in handy if you plan to move house to demonstrate to prospective buyers that your appliances are in full working order.


Landlords are responsible for ensuring their tenants live in safe, comfortable properties. They have a specific duty of care and are required by law to ensure that gas appliances, flues and pipework are checked and deemed safe by a Gas Safe Registered engineer at least every 12 months. And as such, landlords are required to have an up to date Gas Safety Record for each of their properties at all times.

Every Landlord Gas Safety Record should include:

  • A description and location of each appliance or flue that was checked
  • The name, registration number and signature of the engineer who made the checks
  • The date the checks were carried out
  • The address of the property where the appliances are installed
  • Information on any safety defects and actions needed or taken to fix them
  • The results of all operational safety checks carried out on the appliances


Tenants have no responsibility to ensure Gas Safety Checks are completed; this is a landlord’s responsibility. After a Gas Safety Check is undertaken, a landlord has 28 days to supply a tenant with a copy of the Gas Safety Record.


Using a Gas Safe Registered Engineer

Whether you’re a homeowner or landlord, it’s essential to have your gas checks conducted by someone qualified to do so.

The Gas Safe Register is the official list of businesses legally permitted to carry out gas work on properties in the UK. Businesses on the list must ensure their engineers are trained to Gas Safety standards, and each will be issued with a Gas Safe ID card. Only Gas Safe Registered engineers can carry out safety checks on heating systems, boilers, cookers, fires and other gas appliances, and only they are allowed to issue Gas Safety Certificates.

You’ll be able to check whether your engineer is Gas Safety Registered online or by asking to see their Gas Safe ID card. The card should display their photo, the expiry date of their card, their Gas Safe Register licence number and which business they are employed by. The card should also list which areas of gas safety they are qualified in, and their qualifications are up to date. Ensure any engineer you hire is suitably trained to conduct the checks you require.


Contact a Gas Safe Registered Expert

Metro Plumb Gas Safe Registered engineers offer various services, including boiler, appliance and fire repairs and maintenance across a national footprint.

We’re friendly, professional, and your safety is our main concern. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, so get in touch to book one of our engineers for your next gas safety check.

Find your local Metro Plumb by visiting our find a local plumber page or call us on 0808 250 9949.

21st January 2022   |    Blogs